
Welcome Spring with Wool!

Spring Cleaning Tips from The Wool Bed Company

With spring just around the corner, it’s time to start cleaning! Our wool mattresses and organic cotton sheets already help keep your home clean and healthy, so The Wool Bed CompanyTM has some helpful tips for our customers who want to make their homes even healthier this year.

Clear Out the Clutter

Organize your closet and drawers. You will likely find a lot of clothes which are no longer in style or no longer fit right. Kids in particular will probably have outgrown many of their old outfits. As much as you love your bellbottoms, now would be a great time to make a donation to a local charity or make a few dollars at a thrift store. For everything else, send it through the laundry to keep it fresh. Using ECO-PureTM wool dryer balls will cut down on drying time, saving you time and energy!

As for everything else, a good rule of thumb for deciding what to get rid of is by when you last used it. A toy your child hasn’t played with in years? Give them a chance to say goodbye and donate to children in need. A luggage set which no longer matches your style? Give it away! You’ll be amazed how many items you have owned for years and haven’t used for months. By clearing out this clutter, you’re giving your house a fresh start.

Replace Your Furniture or Decorations

Speaking of clutter, is an old bedroom set taking up space? Spring is the time to replace your worn out or broken bedframes for something new. The Wool Bed CompanyTM has wood platform and cascade panel beds crafted by local Amish woodworkers. These sturdy frames are ideal for supporting our wool mattresses and toppers.

Redecorating in spring will help freshen up your home literally and figuratively. If you’re not ready to replace larger furniture pieces, try swapping in new decorative pieces instead. For example, adding supportive wool pillows to your couch or chairs will make your living room more inviting.

Clean from the Top to the Bottom

Cleaning from top to bottom isn’t just an expression, it’s good advice. After you’ve removed unnecessary clutter, begin cleaning at the highest point of your house. Dust the tops of bookcases and dressers and work your way down, saving the floor for last. By cleaning in this direction, you won’t risk undoing your work.

Don’t forget your ceiling fans! The last thing you want is to turn on your fan on a hot day only to release a torrent of dust. Light fixtures and window blinds should also be wiped down at this time. These features are often forgotten during the cleaning process and can lead to allergy-like symptoms and irritation.

Start in the Morning

By starting your cleaning around sunrise, you’ll be able to take advantage of natural lighting to see hidden dust and cobwebs. Another advantage is you can get more done is you start earlier. If you find it difficult to get up in the morning, try using natural wool bedding products. Our Signature and Premium wool mattresses have helped our customers get more restful sleep night after night. The better quality sleep you have at night, the easier it will be to rise refreshed in the morning.

Go through the Fridge and Cabinets

This includes medicine cabinets. Any medications or make-up which has expired should be safely thrown out. Food which has gone stale or is moldy should be tossed. All the shelves of your cupboards and fridge should be wiped down to remove crumbs or stains. It’s also important to sanitize your refrigerator’s vegetable and fruit drawer to remove germs and bacteria.

Replace Your Linens

Washing your bedsheets and towels once a week can be a hassle. Yet without regular laundering, our linens can start to smell from a buildup of body oils and skin cells. This is the perfect time to start anew with organic cotton sheets for your bed. The hypoallergenic qualities of cotton will keep your bedding healthy between washes.

Towels should be replaced for a similar reason. Many become coarse and threadbare from repeated washing and drying cycles. Other bathroom essentials like soaps and toothbrushes should also be replaced.

The Wool Bed CompanyTM offers quality wool and cotton bedding for keeping your home clean this spring. Contact us for more information!