Wool Bedding Benefits

Natural Fire Safe Mattresses

Fire Safe Sleep With Wool Mattresses


Since the government has now made fire resistance in mattresses mandatory, bedding manufacturers have been scrambling to find the right combination of chemicals to create safe bedding without exposing customers to harmful toxins. Amazingly, wool is the only bedding material not requiring no additional fire retardant chemicals while also returning to its fluffy, soft shape after compression over and over again. This means wool bedding products require no chemicals or toxins to pass government bedding regulations for flame resistance. The Wool Mattress Company's Surround Ewe™ wool bedding is naturally fire resistant to keep people, babies and pets safe from both fire and harmful chemicals while also keeping them comfortable every single night.

Conventional mattresses may be safe from flames, yet the toxins they now contain are a questionable trade-off. Surround Ewe™ wool mattress sleep system is entirely organic, chemical free, soft, and supportive, and still meets and exceeds the government standards for flame resistance naturally. The Surround Ewe™ naturally fire resistant wool bedding sleep system gives you a restful night’s sleep without the fear of breathing in toxic fire retardant chemicals common in regular mattresses.

The New Fire Retardant Mattresses

A few years ago, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) put a new law in effect, requiring all mattresses be fire resistant to address the growing number of mattress fire related deaths. "There were about 19,400 residential fires annually between 1995 and 1999 traced to mattresses and bedding. They caused 440 deaths and 2,230 injuries, as well as $274 million in property damage each year." (from the article “Fire-Resistant Mattresses Ignite Fear of Chemicals” by Cindy Skrzycki, The Washington Post).

While this law started with good intentions - a growing problem needs to be addressed. The politicians and officials who lobbied for and passed this law were concerned with an immediate fix - they are now realizing just what these mattress companies are adding to the mattresses to comply with the new laws. Whitney Davis, the man responsible for this new law, was recently quoted as saying, “You don’t know until 10 years down the road... We feel responsible.”

The new law, passed on February 16, 2006 and fully in effect as of July 1, 2007, states that "mattresses must withstand a blowtorch open flame two feet wide for 70 seconds and not ignite for 30 minutes". Can you imagine the amount of chemicals required to make a mattress withstand this kind of heat? Additionally, this law unfortunately does not require manufacturers to label their mattresses with the harmful chemicals used to make their mattresses fire retardant. Chances are, if you’ve bought a new mattress within the last few years, you’re sleeping on and inhaling these toxic chemicals.

These nasty chemicals you’ll find in your traditional, mass produced mattress include Boric Acid (also known as roach killer), Antimony (similar to arsenic), and Decabromodiphenyl Oxide, or DBDPO. These chemicals have been known to cause reproductive and developmental issues, heart, lung, and kidney damage, and even cancer. Inhaling these chemicals on a regular basis is extremely toxic to our bodies and will cause health issues until we resolve the problem.

You could be getting a healthy night’s sleep if you were sleeping on a Surround Ewe™ Organic Wool Mattress with ECO-Pure Wool®! Surround Ewe’s™ patented Wool Bedding System is completely FREE of all these toxic chemicals and flame retardants. Why? Wool is naturally fire resistant, eliminating the need to add harmful chemicals to meet the new regulations.

Enough is enough. Now that you’re aware of these damaging toxins, are you ready for a change? Contact Surround Ewe™ right away. We’ll have you sleeping on a Surround Ewe™ Organic Wool Mattress with ECO-Pure Wool® in no time at all. Healthier, naturally flame resistant, and hypoallergenic, Surround Ewe’s™ patented Wool Bedding System is a must have for everyone.

Read More from www.peopleforcleanbeds.org.